This is a selection of the commissions undertaken by Heritage Solutions:
International commissions:
ICOMOS expert mission assessor or World Heritage nomination for Budj Bim cultural landscape, Australia; September 2018
Appearance as expert witness and preparation of evidence for Environment Court:
MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway, for NZTA
Transmission Gully Expressway for NZTA
Paraparaumu airport, for PAL Ltd
Project West Wind, for Meridian Energy
Kapiti Urban Roading Project, for Opus International
Wellington Inner City Bypass, for Opus International
Hilton Hotel, Queens Wharf, Wellington
Mill Creek wind farm, for Meridian Energy
Paraparaumu airport, for PAL Ltd
Project West Wind, for Meridian Energy
Mill Creek, for Meridian Energy
Turitea wind farm, for Mighty River Power
Proposed windfarm at Waverley, South Taranaki
MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway, for NZTA
Transmission Gully, for New Zealand Transport Agency
Kapiti Urban Roading Proposal, for Opus International
Wellington Inner City Bypass, for Opus International
Western Corridor Transport study, Greater Wellington and Transit New Zealand
Christchurch Southern Motorway Extension, for Opus International
Rail improvements at Kapiti Coast, for Ontrack
Urban development:
Children's hospital, Wellington Regional Hospital campus
Salvation Army Citadel, Newtown, for the Salvation Army
Proposed Hilton Hotel, Queens Wharf, Wellington
Karori Sanctuary, Wellington
Wellington Hospital site, for Capital and Coast District Health
Bowen campus, Bowen St, for AMP Capital
Government House, Wellington for Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
Plimmers Steps, Wellington, for Targa Group, Sydney
Tisdalls Site, Willis St, Wellington, for the Wellington Company
Heritage record of Broadcasting House, Wellington
Rural development:
Maritime recording of shipwreck in Lake Waikaremoana, for Dept of Conservation
Numerous archaeological assessments of effects of subdivisions and developments on the Kapiti Coast and Horowhenua
Community Archaeology:
Archaeology sessions for "Gifted Kids, Wellington"
Archaeology sessions for Kiwi Conservation Club
Restiaux Valley community archaeology project
Archaeology for the Friends of Mount Street Cemetery